of Arts and Environmental Design
Associate Professor
Academic Degree
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic Rank
Associate Professor
phone: +37517 343 79 25,
e-mail: utgofs@bsu.by
2011 – graduated with honors from the Belarusian State Technological University (BSTU) with a degree in “Woodworking Technology”, qualification – “engineer- technologist”.
2011-2014 – postgraduate studies at BSTU.
In 2014, Utgof S. defended a thesis “Thermomechanically modified alder and birch wood for the manufacture of the front layer of parquet products” for the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (specialty 05.21.05 – “Wood science, technology and woodworking equipment.”)
2014 – awarded a scientific qualification of “Researcher”.
Overall experience in scientific and pedagogical work – 13 years.
Work and professional activity:
2011-2015 – worked at BSTU as an engineer and researcher.
2016-2021 – an assistant and a senior lecturer at the department of technology and design of wood products.
Utgof S. gave lectures, conducted practical and laboratory classes on: “Furniture Production Technology”, “Industrial Design”, “Fundamentals of Composition”.
2010-2021 – worked as a furniture and carpentry designer at a privately owned enterprise.
2021-present – associate professor at the Department of Arts and Environmental Design, Faculty of Sociocultural Communications, Belarusian State University.
Advanced training and professional development:
- 2003 – graduated with honors from the Children’s Art School in the specialty “Fine Arts”.
- October, 2007-May, 2008 – English language courses at Minsk State Linguistic University (192 hours).
- August, 2008 – English language courses at the GEOS-LTC International College (Easthorne, UK) – 56 hours.
- 2023 – advanced training program “International level coaching (Mentor for professional and personal growth)” – 110 hours.
Creative activity:
- Co-author of two patents in the field of technology for the production of thermomechanically modified wood.
- Author of more than 20 scientific publications, including 14 scientific articles peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission.Co-author of the book Furniture Production Technology (2021).
- Author of educational programs in the disciplines “Design engineering, materials science and technology” and “Materials science and technologies”.
- Participant in the Startup Village conference in Skolkovo, Moscow.
Awards and honorary titles:
- Prize-winner of the Republican round of the StartUp Tour Skolkovo 2016 competition with the TMMWood project in the Industrial Technologies and Materials section.
Scientific interests:
- Materials science and technology of carpentry, construction and finishing materials.
- Wood processing technology.
- Design of furniture and joinery and construction products.
- Design of subject-spatial environment.
Courses taught:
- Утгоф, С.С. Application of nanoadditives for wear resistance improvement of parquet protective and decorative coatings / С.С. Утгоф, Л.В. Игнатович, А.М. Романова // Труды БГТУ. – 2012. – № 4: Химия и технология орган. в-в. – 2012. – С. 124−127.
- Игнатович, Л.В. Технология многослойных паркетных изделий с лицевым слоем из уплотненной древесины мягких лиственных пород / Л.В. Игнатович, С.С. Утгоф, А.М. Бут-Гусаим // Труды БГТУ. – 2013.– № 2: Лесная и деревообраб. пром-ть. – 2013. – С. 114−119.
- Утгоф, С.С. Особенности структуры и свойств уплотненной древесины мягких лиственных пород / C.C. Утгоф, Л.В. Игнатович // Весник Гродненского государственного университета имени Янки Купалы. – 2013 г. – № 3: Серия 6. Техника. – С. 70−75.
- Утгоф, С.С. Идентификация химических и механических изменений древесины ольхи в результате пластификации / С.С. Утгоф // Труды БГТУ. 2014. – № 4: Химия, технология орган. в-в и биотехнология. – C. 124−129.
- Утгоф, С.С. Применение математического моделирования для определения влияния технологических факторов на физико-механические свойства уплотненной термомеханическим способом древесины березы и ольхи / С.С. Утгоф, Л.В. Игнатович // Труды БГТУ. 2014. – № 2: Лесная и деревообраб. Пром-ть. – С. 94−100.
- Утгоф, С.С. Оценка экономической эффективности производства многослойных паркетных покрытий с лицевым слоем из уплотненной термомеханическим способом древесины березы и ольхи / С.С. Утгоф, Л.В. Игнатович // Труды БГТУ. 2014. – № 2: Лесная и деревообраб. пром-ть. – С. 100−104.