Department of

Natalya Y. Frolova

Фролова Наталья Юрьевна
of Communicative Design
Associate Professor
Academic Degree
Candidate of Cultural Studies
Academic Rank
Associate Professor
phone: +375 (17) 209 59 10,



1992 – graduated from graduated from the Minsk State Art College named after A.K.Glebov (specialty “Teacher of drawing & technical drawing in art schools”).

2002 – graduated with honours from the European Humanities University (qualification “Designer”).

Postgraduate studies at the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, Department of History and Theory of Culture, defended her dissertation on “Design as a phenomenon of culture: status, functions and determinants of the development”.

Work and professional activity:

2002-2004 – Lecturer of the Department of Audiovisual Communications of EHU.

2004-present – Associate Professor of the Department of Communicative Design of BSU.

Advanced training and professional development:

  • 2023 – advanced training course “Pedagogical activity in English” at the State Educational Institution “National Institute for Higher Education”.

Scientific interests:

Design; design research; theory and methodology of design; theory of culture; cultural anthropology; design education.

Courses taught: