искусств и средового дизайна

Irina S. Moygis

of Arts and Environmental Design
Senior Lecturer
phone: +375(17) 343 79 25
e-mail: moigis@bsu.by



1984 – graduated from Minsk Art College named after A.K. Glebov, majoring in “Art design”.

1992 – graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, majoring in “Decorative and Applied Art”.
Qualifications: “Artist-designer” and “Artist of applied art”.

September, 2004-January, 2008 – English language courses at the State Cultural and Leisure Institution “Central House of Officers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus”.

2014-2018 – regularly attended English language classes for the teaching staff of the Belarusian State University of Arts and Culture.

Work and professional activity:

1984-1987 – worked as a performing artist at the Minsk Art and Production Combine in the design shop.

Since 1988 – (beginning of creative activity) have been working in the technique of ceramics (decorative forms, sculpture), participating in art exhibitions and programmes.

1995 – member of the Belarusian Union of Artists.

January, 2013-August, 2018 – lecturer at the Department of Arts of the State Institute of Management and Social Technologies, BSU.

Since September, 2018 – lecturer at the Department of Arts and Environmental Design of the FSC, BSU.

Advanced training and professional development:

  • April-June, 2017 – advanced training course “Foreign language as a means of improving the professional competence of a modern”specialist” at the State Educational Institution “National Institute for Higher Education”.
  • January, 2023 – advanced training course “Educational process in the conditions of modernisation of the higher education system” at the State Educational Institution “National Institute for Higher Education”.

Scientific interests:

Fine art and design, history of design, computer technology in contemporary art and design.

Courses taught:


  1. Mojgis, I. S. Grobheitim Material, Feinheit in der Empfindung / I. S. Mojgis // Neue Keramik. – 1997. – № 9. – S. 540 –541.
  2. Müller, L. Ohne Ofen, aber doch mit viel Feuer: Weissrussische Künstler in Spiez / L. Müller // Berner Zeitung. – 2000. – 20 Juli. – S. 11.
  3. Moigis, I. The Lady (2/1): Schamotte, H. 33 cm, 1997: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Ausstellung zur 1. Internationale Keramik-Biennale der Stadt Kapfenberg: [Kat.]. – Kapfenberg, 1999. – S. 10.
  4. Moigis, I. OhneTitel: Schamotte, Pigmente, aufgebaut, 1380 °C, H. 25 cm, 1999: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Katalog der 16. Triennale für keramische Kunst in Spiez, 15. Juli – 6. August 2000. – Thun, 2000. – S. [69-70].
  5. Moigis, I. Lady (III): Keramikarbeit: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Kulturkalender 2002/03: Künstlerstadt Gmünd in Kä – Gmünd, 2002. – S. [22].
  6. Moigis, I. Labyrinth: Keramikarbeit: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Kulturkalender 2002/03: Künstlerstadt Gmünd in Kä – Gmünd, 2002. – S. [22].
  7. Moigis, I. Turm: Schamotte, 1380 °C, H. 42 cm, 2002: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Katalog der 17. Triennale für keramische Kunst in Spiez, 12. Juli – 3. August 2003: [Kat.]. – Thun, 2003. – S. [101-102].
  8. Moigis, I. Infanta: modeled by hand, chamotte,1400 °C, H 21 cm: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Biennale de la sculpture en ceramique 2004, du 08 mai au 31 mai 2004 au Mamer schlass: [cat.]. – Commune de Mamer G.-D. de Luxemburg, 2004. – P. 62.
  9. Moigis, I. Pitcher: terre chamottée travaillée à la main, cuisson à 1250°, 18,5 x 11,5 cm: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Le Pichet: Сoncours international de céramique. Prix de la Ville de Carouge 2007: [с]. – Genève, 2007. – P. 22.
  10. Moigis, I. [Damen]: Keramikskulpturen, Schamotte, H. 69 cm, 2008: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Triennale Spiez’08: 18. Triennale für keramische Kunst in Spiez: [Kat.]. – Spiez, 2008. – S. 66-67.
  11. Moigis, I. [Objets]: céramique: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Montreux Art Gallery: [cat.]. – Montreux, 2011. – P. 92.
  12. Moigis, I. Gnome: chamottée travaillée à la main, cuisson a 1250°, hauteur: 48 cm; longueur: 17 cm; largeur: 25,3 cm: [репрод.] / I. Moigis // Le Nain de Jardin: Concours international de céramique. Prix de la Ville de Carouge 2013: [cat.]. – Genève, 2013. – P. 19.
  13. Moigis, I. Reciprocity: ceramic objects, chamotte, 1250°, 95 x40 x 40 cm, 2017: [репрод.]. / I. Moigis // Latvijas starptautiskā keramikas biennāle: [cat.]. – Daugavpils, 2018. – P. 66.
  14. Irina Moigis Archives [Electronic resource] // Artaxis Organization Inc. 2005-2023. – Mode of access: https://artaxis.org/irina-moigis/. – Date of access: 20.03.2024.