Department of the English Language for Sciences

Head of the Department of English for Sciences –  Angelika E. Cherenda, Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate Professor.

Deputy Head of the Department for Academic Affairs – Victoria I. Kornakova, Senior Lecturer.

Deputy Head of the Department for Research and Organizational and Educational Work – Tatyana V. Sitnikova, Senior Lecturer.

Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific-research Work – Olga V. Brych, Senior Lecturer.

Responsible for the Department’s Webpage – Victoria I. Kornakova, Senior Lecturer.

The Department of the English Language for Sciences, as an independent unit, was founded in September, 1973 as a result of the transformation of the University Department of Foreign Languages. In 2019, the Department became a part of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Communications of Belarusian State University.

The academic staff of the Department consists of 36 lecturers (the Head of the Department, 23 senior lecturers, 3 lecturers, 9 trainee lecturers), who carry out educational activities on 7 faculties: the Faculty of Physics, the Faculty of, Biology, the Faculty of Chemistry, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, the Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technology, the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics. The main activities of the Department are educational, methodological and research work.

The department teaches the following academic disciplines:

  • Foreign language (English)
  • Foreign language in professional communication
  • Foreign language (English) (general proficiency)
  • Foreign language (English) (professional vocabulary):
  • Scientific and technical translation in the field of professional communication
  • Scientific and technical translation
  • Professional vocabulary (English)
  • English language (professional vocabulary)
  • English language

In 2024, the Department developed electronic educational and methodological complexes for students of the 1st and 2nd stages of higher education. An electronic educational and methodological complex is a set of documents aimed at creating substantive methodological and organizational conditions for language training of students. An electronic educational and methodological complex contains an explanatory note, methodological recommendations for lecturers and students, a theoretical section, a practical section, a control section including forms for diagnosing competencies, types of intermediate types of tasks, requirements for credits and exams, an educational and methodological scheme and a list of literature.

The educational and methodological work of the Department’s lecturers is aimed at improving the quality of the educational process and its educational and methodological support, improving the methods and techniques of teaching English. The lecturers of the Department annually participate in the development of textbooks certified by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

The research work of the Department is connected first of all with the development of the topics “Optimization of Foreign Language Education based on Distance Learning” and “Implementation of the Concept of “Lifelong Education” in the Process Foreign Language Education of the Students of the Faculties of Sciences.” In addition to Department research topics, a number of lecturers finished PhD courses or are PhD students (V.I. Kornakova, T.V.Sitnikova, O.V. Brich, T.A. Kashkan, M.V. Khodinskaya, O.D. Apostol) and are working on theses in the field of teaching foreign languages methodology or comparative linguistics. The results of the research are reported at republican and international scientific and practical conferences and are reflected in articles published in various journals.

Address: Minsk, 4 Independence Avenue, Room 514.

tel.: +37517 209 50 55