Department of the English Language for Humanities

Head of the Department of English for Humanities – Alesia A. Voskresenskaya, Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy.

The Department of English for Humanities offers a range of the English language courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students to choose from, including “Foreign language (English)”, “Foreign language (professional vocabulary)”, “Business foreign language”, “Special terminology in a foreign language”, “Foreign language” (general proficiency)”, “Professionally oriented foreign language”. 

These are taught by a highly acclaimed staff with diverse academic specialisations and interests at the Faculty of History, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Physics, and Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences. 

Currently, the department has 29 lecturers (academic staff), including 1 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; 6 Candidates of Pedagogical and Philological Sciences, Associate Professors; 19 senior lecturers; 3 lecturers. 

The research work of the Department is based on the development of the concept of blended learning in the linguistic education of students of non-philological specialties. Numerous scientific publications by teachers of the Department describe the theoretical and methodological justification of the concept of blended learning, determine the didactic and pedagogical potential of mixed forms, their adequacy to the educational environment of the university, the mechanism of interaction between traditional (in-class) and distance (on-line) learning, the possibilities of using these forms under different conditions of social distancing, features of assessing the results of educational achievements. Software and methodological support for the educational process in foreign language teaching, built on the integration of traditional and distance learning modes, is being developed and updated. 

A leading researcher of theoretical and methodological aspects and a research supervisor is Ludmila V. Khvedchenya, Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor. 

The main objective of the educational and methodological work of the Department is to continuously improve the educational process in foreign language teaching, ensuring its quality. 

The department carries out educational and methodological work in several areas: 

  • educational and methodological support for taught courses: publication of the findings and didactic support of the process of foreign language teaching; 
  • software and methodological support for the educational process: updating and verification of curricula with an emphasis on diversity and organizational activities; 
  • introduction into the educational process of effective technologies, methods, techniques, and forms of learning (problem-based, research, heuristics, distance learning, “flipped classroom” technology, etc.); 
  • elaboration of electronic training courses on the educational platform
  • increasing the scientific and methodological level of the department’s staff. 

The educational and methodological work of the department is regulated by a wide range of legal documents: the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, educational standards, curricula for all courses studied, the Regulations on the Department, job descriptions, and the Department’s work plan. 

The organizational and educational work of the Department is one of the priority areas of activity and is carried out in the following ways: 

  • organizing and holding the annual English Language Week at the faculties of BSU; 
  • regular meetings of discussion clubs on broad sociocultural and professional topics;
  • organizing and conducting the annual interfaculty Olympiad in English; 
  • preparing students for participation in international conferences and competitions; 
  • conducting conversations with students on issues of patriotic, civil, moral and ethical education within the framework of the Common Information Days; 
  • visiting exhibitions, museums, theaters; 
  • participation in excursions and educational tours.

Address: Minsk, 5 Kurchatov Street, Room 203.

tel.: +375 17 209 55 37
